A Parents Guide to Choosing the Perfect Extracurricular Adventure

Extracurricular activities play a pivotal role in the holistic development of toddlers, offering opportunities for socialization, learning, and fun beyond the traditional classroom programming. With so many options available, choosing the right one can take time and effort. How can you choose the perfect extracurricular activity for your toddler? By understanding that at this age, there is no “perfect” extracurricular! Your toddler is excited to explore the world and should feel safe to do so. Instead, consider this concise guide as a tool to help you find the perfect extracurricular adventure to start your toddler on a path of discovery and enrichment. 

Observe Your Child’s Interests:

The first step is paying close attention to what naturally draws your child’s attention. Do they love doodling, building with blocks, or dancing to music? Their spontaneous activities can give you the best clues.

Consider the Logistics:

Before enrolling, think about the practicality of the activity. Location, timing, and the commitment required should fit comfortably into your family’s schedule without causing unnecessary stress. One of the greatest benefits of The Astor’s new supplemental programming is that most of our classes happens during the daytime! Not only is your student already in a familiar location with their peers, but you get more time with your family in the afternoons/evenings. 

Start with Short Sessions:

Toddlers have short attention spans. Look for programs that offer short, engaging sessions tailored to young children’s developmental stages. This ensures they remain excited without feeling overwhelmed. At the Astor, our extra-curricular activities last 45 minutes to ensure we stay within that attention span sweet spot. 

Focus on Fun and Development, Not Competition:

At this age, the focus should be on fun and developmental growth rather than competition. Choose activities emphasizing learning through play, encouraging creativity, and building basic skills in a pressure-free environment. At the Astor, we have small group classes and private sessions, as we understand that children thrive differently in either situation. 

Prioritize Social Skills:

Activities that allow your toddler to interact with peers can be particularly beneficial, offering them a chance to develop social skills like sharing, cooperation, and empathy.

Safety First:

Finally, the safety of the environment is paramount. Check that the facility is clean, well-maintained, and equipped with age-appropriate materials. Safety policies and procedures should also be clearly communicated and observed. At The Astor, our founders are parents of toddlers just like you: safety is always the first thought and priority. 

By following these tips, you can choose an extracurricular activity that aligns with your toddler’s interests and needs and fosters their growth in a joyful and supportive setting. Remember, the goal is to enrich your child’s early experiences, laying a foundation for a lifelong love of learning and exploration. 

Laurie Hollman, PhD, psychoanalyst and author of Unlocking Parental Intelligence: Finding Meaning in Your Child’s Behavior touts the mantra: “Trial and error is fine.” While this phrase rings true for everyone, it feels especially poignant for young parents who only want the best for their children. Allow your little one to explore and dip their toes into any activities, even the most unlikely. 

Discover what The Astor has to offer by way of enrichment classes by visiting our class schedule and enrolling today!